Itinérances métropolitaines
Marie Combes
La forme du travail
La forme du travail
Sur une plateforme web, une carte interactive des transports en commun de la région parisienne forme une
constellation, un paysage imaginaire où chaque point donne accès à une capsule
d’images, de sons, de mots, ces fragments sensibles dévoilant ainsi une
poétique du déplacement urbain.
Carte interactive et projection vidéos.
Itinérances métropolitaines
Carte interactive et projection vidéos.
Itinérances métropolitaines
à Los Angeles
dans le cadre de l'exposition un-privileged views
du 3 mars au 25 mars 2012
du 3 mars au 25 mars 2012
Un-Privileged Views
Opening and panel discussion: Saturday, March 3, 6:00 p.m. March 3-25
Woodbury School of Architecture and the Woodbury University Hollywood Gallery (WUHO) present Un-Privileged Views, co-curated by Eric Olsen and Keith Mitnick, with Danielle Etzler, Reto Geiser, Keith Krumwiede, Mireille Roddier, Paulette Singley, and Mark Wasiuta. The cross-intuitional curatorial team brings together distinguished architecture faculty from Woodbury School Architecture, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at University of Michigan, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Rice University, Yale School of Architecture, and Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.
Un-Privileged Views collects “anti-iconic views,” both in terms of visual experience and political reality, of a broad selection of cities and promotes unfamiliar views of familiar places in order to change how we think about and represent them. Public images of cities tend to be defined by the iconic photographs with which their buildings, neighborhoods, skylines and vistas are represented, even though the views portrayed in these stereotypical images are frequently at odds with the life of the city and the reality of what occurs in them.
The exhibition includes selections from a juried call for proposals. Participants were asked to consider the views, the techniques, and the visual sensibilities that best encapsulate an attitude or polemic of the city at large. The selected works foreground the physical characteristics of the image, by incorporating different photographic techniques: printing, enlarging, processing, experiments in large format.
Un-Privileged Views opens 6:00pm, March 3 at the WUHO Gallery in Hollywood and features the work of artists and architects from across the world including: Martin Hogue, Eric Mayer and Justin Bernard, Central Standard Office of Design / Kelly Bair, ASK / Katerina Pertselaki, Andreas Stavrianoudakis-Kampas, Michael Borowski, Matilde Cassani, Bryony Roberts, Marie Combes, Genevieve Baudoin and Bruce Johnson, McLain Clutter, Deborah Richmond, Neeraj Bhatia / The Open Workshop, Noemi Mollet, Reto Geiser / MG&Co., Superficial Studio, Danielle Etzler, Mitnick Roddier, Mirelle Roddier, Tsz Yan Ng and Gerard Smulevich.
For updates see:
Woodbury University Hollywood Gallery (WUHO)
WUHO is Woodbury University’s center for experimental exhibitions and multi-disciplinary collaborations. The gallery is shared with the Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design. Located on the iconic Hollywood Walk-of-Fame, WUHO is a gallery, event space, and lecture venue.
6518 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Located between Wilcox Ave. and Schrader Blvd.
Hollywood & Highland nearest metro stop
Gallery Hours:
Thursday: 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Un-Privileged Views Participants:
ASK / Katerina Pertselaki, Andreas Stavrianoudakis-Kampas, Heraklion, Crete, Greece Labyrinthos
Genevieve Baudoin and Bruce Johnson, Lawrence, KS
Greetings from Albuquerque
Neeraj Bhatia / The Open Workshop, Noemi Mollet, Reto Geiser /
MG&Co., Houston, TX
Michael Borowski, Albuquerque, NM
Enchantment / Entrapment (Albuquerque, NM)
Central Standard Office of Design / Kelly Bair, Chicago, IL Quarry City Matilde Cassani, Milan, Italy New York,
Sacred Spaces in Profane buildings
McLain Clutter , Ann Arbor, MI
Faith Territories
Marie Combes, Paris, France
Itinérances Métropolitaines
Danielle Etzler Cambridge, MA
Load Scenario
Martin Hogue, Syracuse NY
Dundas Square, Toronto, December 17, 2008, 1:00-2:10pm
Eric Mayer and Justin Bernard, Philadelphia, PA District Bryony Roberts, Houston, TX Negative City
Deborah Richmond, Los Angeles, CA
Shipping and Receiving
Mitnick Roddier, Ann Arbor, MI
Detroit untitled
Mirelle Roddier, Paris Paris,
Je t'M
Gerard Smulevich, Los Angeles, CA
Building Portraits
Superficial Studio, Hollywood, CA
Tsz Yan Ng, Ann Arbor, MI
Shuttling the Grid
Press Contacts:
Mimi Zeiger, Woodbury School of Architecture (818)
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